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* For many diary will also have to be eliminated as well.


As always, I must say talk to your doctor before doing anything that I’m sharing  prior to putting it to use. Obviously many have tried doctors and might have not got too far as there is only a small few that look for the actually root cause of ones symptoms. If one is looking to find a doctor that digs deep and gives you his time then I recommend Dr. Kalidas in Orlando, Florida. I personally have worked with many doctors but now mostly self treat with diet and herbs etc. However, I do check in with my doctor if I get stuck or need some more insight.


Please keep in mind recovering will not be linear like taking a magic pill and symptoms go away instantly and with no setbacks. There will be moments up feeling great followed by times of not so great where you think what you’re doing isn't working. Ive felt like crap with increased symptoms for weeks. One must also keep in mind that its most likely been years of one treating the body bad feeding it what it wasnt designed to run on which results in a negative symptomatic state. I have learned alot from research and testing on my own body, over 16 years experimenting with things. I highly recommend educating yourself and watching content from people like Eric Bakker Natural Path MD, Dr. Steven Gundry & Dr. Josh Axe via their Youtube channels. That is something I have done very much of and I have bought both their books as well. Eric's I have recently read called “CANDIDA CRUSHER” which is specific to treating the gut, which has taught me alot. I recommend checking out his book which is available here online, along with Stevens & Josh's. Links Below...                       




The simple understanding on what one should be trying to do is fairly easy to comprehend. Bring balance back to the gut with good bacteria so the bad bacteria and overgrowth in yeast isn't dominating your gut wrecking havoc. Heal the gut lining so leaky gut isn't allowing food to leak into blood stream both causing tons of symptoms. Good bacteria keeps it in check until it gets destroyed by things such as "the american diet" fake food with lots of sugar, carbs, antibiotics in the food, pesticides, taking antibiotics when one is sick, alcohol consumption etc. which are all the culprit. I’ll even add women with birth control disrupts things as well. There’s many factors, feel free to research. I also want to point out that this is where the immune system is and having that down and not working properly just opens the gates to problems. Its all a big mess and contributes to how disease sets in especially when your own immune system in your gut is being compromised by ones food intake. This makes it easier for viruses, bacteria, fungus, heavy metals etc. to create a home. The amount of symptoms one can get from wrecking the gut is enormous, it’s a domino effect messing with tons of organs. The brain gets hit hard because up to 90% of serotonin known as the chemical that gives us that "feel good" is located in the gut. The average person has no clue that many of their mental issues stem from their digestive system. Crazy and bizarre yet true. I personally cant help but notice how the brains appearance resembles the look of the small intestine. The longest cranial nerve known as the "vagus nerve" also should be recognized as its a direct communication from the gut to the brain.


Another thing I briefly mentioned earlier is to heal the damaging lining of the gut which if damaged can allow food to leak into the blood stream. As an example, since gluten is a popular problem today my research states why some MAY actually NOT be allergic to gluten but just react to it along with other foods that create sensitivities/symptoms. All in all this is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. If one healed the gut and gives the body what it was more so design to run on will they then start to bring their body back into balance giving it back it’s vitality. There's many forms of so-called diseases which if one looks at the term "disease," well its meaning is the body is not at ease. Its a t a dis-ease. So ultimately disease cannot and will have much trouble existing in the human body when the gut is healthy and the body is given what it was designed to run on.




Bell Peppers

(Red, Yellow, Orange)


Brussels sprouts






Garlic (raw)








Sweet Potato

Chicken Bone Broth

Chicory coffee

Filtered/Pure water

Herbal Tea's (Decaf)

Sparkling Water (No Sweetners)



Chicken Bone Broth



Salmon (wild)



Grass fed Beef


(Granny Smith Green)












Sunflower seeds






Sunflower seeds




Kefir Lifeway  - Plain (probiotic) Yogurt (probiotic)

Apple cider vinegar

(Only this vinegar)


Black pepper



Coconut aminos












As I have mentioned recently, there will be temporary setbacks such as a healing crisis/die off happening. These are the dips one goes through as they heal since recovery is not linear in a straight line, its up and down but an upward climb. Expect old symptoms to resurface almost like you are reversing the symptoms compared to when you were slowly developing them. Such as peeling an onion back to the center, with each layer being met with new or old symptoms. During these times it can make you doubt what you're doing is even working due to how you feel and think. I suggest one to please log their good days or bad days to have something to look at when things get bad. It will keep you thinking clear as this is unfortunately apart of healing. Many times I thought this isn't it then boom I get a breakthrough which is a relief of symptoms. Then it goes away and I later feel bad then boom, breakthrough again. They can happening randomly but sooner or later more breakthroughs and the time it last of you feeling good will be longer. We must remember, one’s mind and emotions can/will get thrown off and you will act out of character as your body tries to heal itself and balance back. I take natural supplements/herbs that are killing agents for bacterial, parasites, viruses, and fungus such as overgrowth yeast. This sometimes is the reason I get a flare up of symptoms even though the diet can do it alone depending how toxic ones body it. I then drink more water to let your body heal from a symptom flare up and ease off any supplements or herbs that are killing things is wise during certain moments. Please note toxins are released from bacteria, viruses, and fungus etc when destroyed and the body can get overloaded with them and not excrete fast enough. The liver and kidneys can struggle to get it out so ease off the attack, increase ways to detox such as supplements below, and drink plenty of water to help out. Also rest can be good to help this resolve as your body is in repair mode during time of sleep..                                 




Stick to this for at least 3-4 months to notice improvements. The average time to recovery for each person varies but per my research recovery is 12 months on average. Some take longer up to a year or more who have been sick for lets say 10-20-30 years. Everyone is different and many recover sooner such as 4-9 months. If one still feeling terrible then adrenals glands might need some attention, but first healing the gut and balancing back their microbiota is a must. Plus, all in all if there is no major diseases going on like HIV/AIDS or other serious diseases then the body can heal itself easily. Either way a natural diet that I do will definitely improve ones health even if they are battling a tough disease. We are focusing on giving the body more so what it should consume verse some of the junk majority are consuming which is more than likely promoting disease. Give the body what it needs to heal it. The use of prescription drugs to override symptoms that are most likely caused by poor diet and environment is is not the way. Once again please pay attention to yourself as you may experience a healing crisis which is die-offs from coming off the bad food. Drink plenty of water and maybe start slow by removing one thing at a time prior to going all in hard. Its like going to the gym hard the first day when you haven't been there in over a year. The outcome isn't good, same here. You know your body so if things get to the point they are not tolerable then ease off and if necessary see a doctor. I'm just saying that because we are all different and react different depending on ones body and possible toxicity. But sleep and water along with easing off anti- bacterial, anti-viral, anti fungal, anti-parasitic  supplements is usually enough to help deal with a die off. Once one feels a bit better they go back to it. This is how healing happens, as I’ve said its not linear. The body will get a load of toxins it needs to get out so be easy on it. Killing alot will release tons of toxins. Once again, be easy on it.


Coconut Oil

(Organic) * Anti-fungal (Candida), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory.


Oregano Oil

(Capsules or Drops) * Anti-fungal (Candida), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parastitic, anti-inflammatory.


Caprylic Acid

(Capsules or MCT oil) * Anti-fungal (Candida), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory.


Pau D’ Arco Tea

* Anti-fungal (Candida), anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral.


Grapefruit Seed Extract

(Capsules or Drops) * Kills Candida, pathogens, fungus and bacteria in the digestive tract.



(Capsules, Raw, or Drops) *Has anti-microbial, anti-parastitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal (Candida) properties that fight against infections. Helps boost immune system.



(Capsules, Raw, Drops) *Offers anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. 


Milk Thistle

(Helps the liver with detoxification)

Activated Charcoal

(Its negative charge attracts toxins in the gut while preventing absorption which allows body to excrete)


(Green Algae that naturally detoxifies heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and other toxins.)



(Blue Green Algae that naturally detoxifies heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and other toxins.)



(Anti-Microbial, Chelates Heavy metals, Improves Liver Function, Balances Ph, Detoxifer.)



(Antioxidant along with detoxification effects, protects mitochondria which is involved with turning food into energy within the cells)

Methyl- B Complex Vitamins

(Methylated is the active form for better absorbtion)


L- Glutamine

(Assist in healing the gut lining like chicken bone broth)



(Glycinate Chelated, Doctors best Brand is what I like)



(SBO -soil based organisms or Pearls)


Vitamin C

(No gummies, Liquid, capsules, tablets that are good quality)


Vitamin D

(No gummies, Liquid, capsules, tablets that are good quality)


Iodine +Selenium

(iThroid or Iodoral brand and 150-200mcg of selenium taken together. Some say they are allergic to iodine but its rare. This is great for the body and thyroid gland. If one is on synthetic thyroid horomones consult with their doctor. Adrenal Support (If one is not recoverying fully I would look to the adrenal glands needing some attention as per many doctors and my research. Supplements online through amazon are available.)

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